Principal Partner
Gyasi Ross

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Gyasi Ross is an attorney who provides his clients with creative and skillful guidance when they are facing difficult times. His practice focuses on clients who are facing civil forfeiture proceedings, DUIs, and a wide variety of criminal charges. He also has extensive experience practicing before tribal bars and working with Native communities and clients. Ross’s wide breadth of experience allows him to avoid cookie cutter advice, and instead pursue, and help achieve customized and empathetic solutions to complex problems.

Previous to forming Ross Law, PLLC, Ross spent time as both a public defender in King County for The Defender Association, and also worked on behalf of Native Nations, defending sovereignty and finding new opportunities for those communities with the Crowell Law Office-Tribal Advocacy Group. He has served as in-house counsel for various Native American businesses. He has nearly 20 years experience as an attorney and a wide range of experience — including; tribal sovereignty, mental health cases, DUI, drug, and gun cases.

Ross was inspired to get into the practice of law by his late Father and individuals like him. His Father was a combat veteran in active duty in the Vietnam Conflict. He served nobly and came home after Vietnam, injured and unsure, to a United States that had very little support systems for veterans. As PTSD made his Dad more and more volatile, he eventually succumbed to drugs as a means of coping. Those drugs eventually led him to prison. Systemic failures and a subsequent series of bad decisions combined with no safety nets oftentimes still lead to bad outcomes. Ross knows intimately that there is always more to the story. Ross also knows even the most heroic and giving of people can make bad decisions or have a bad moment when systems fail. He is is willing to fight to make sure that you retain as many of your rights as possible when that times comes.

Ross is a graduate of Columbia Law School in New York City, and The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington. He also proudly attended two tribal colleges, Haskell Indian Nations University (at the time Haskell Junior College) and Blackfeet Community College. He is a member of the Blackfeet Nation (Amskapipikuni) and has consistently found good outcomes for his clients when they had a bad moment.

There is always more to the story. Let him utilize his diversity of experience and resources to work and help tell the rest of the story for you.

Ross is also a frequent speaker on national news networks, working within the community, and being a general resource in times of need.

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