Civil Asset Forfeitures (Asset Seizures)

Asset Forfeitures are one of those grimy, weird, and scandalous areas of law that seem too far-out to be true, but actually happen.  You are someplace in Washington minding your own business, and a police officer simply suspects that you have something to do with dope.  The Officer then asks you if they can search your property or get a search warrant, and they take your money!  They don’t even have to charge you with a crime.  Crazy!  That can’t be real.  But it is. Civil Asset Forfeitures are a relic; an ancient and outdated law that sounds like the Kentucky law that says a person cannot dye baby chicks or rabbits blue!

But unfortunately, it is a real thing and Washington’s Civil Asset Forfeiture laws are some of the most archaic and punitive in all of the United States. Indeed, there are states that are getting rid of Asset Forfeitures altogether or substantially curtailing the practice.  Not Washington though.  

But further, Asset Forfeitures are also a part of a couple of larger conversations that this Nation is having with itself. Civil Asset Forfeiture has been appropriately under fire in recent years, because of many abuses and misuses. The critiques have ranged from courts and legislatures recently recognizing that we cannot possibly rely on drug sniffing dogs that cannot be specific about the materials they are sniffing (McKnight v Colorado, infra) in 2019, to forfeitures as violation of the 8th Amendment’s prohibition on excessive fines (Timbs v. Indiana, 139 S. Ct. 682 [2019], infra.) also in 2019. Civil Asset Forfeiture also raises questions about racial profiling during civil forfeiture enforcement.

Fortunately, Gyasi understands Civil Asset Forfeiture more than most attorneys.  He has tried Civil Asset Forfeiture cases and also successfully negotiated substantial settlements on behalf of his clients.  He knows that, unfortunately, these archaic laws are not going anyplace and they are also not easy to win.  However, if there is some legal areas to argue, Gyasi will leverage those for his clients to get the best outcomes.

If law enforcement has unjustly seized your assets and you want to get it back, contact Ross Law, PLLC and let us help you!