DUI (Driving Under the Influence)

Coming out of the COVID pandemic, it is very natural to want to get out and see friends. Sometimes, those fun and friendly nights out turn into more than we bargained for, and we end up in a situation we did not anticipate.  We’ve seen it before and certainly have heard about it: we had a few too many drinks, and now the State Patrol is behind you.  Nerve-wracking.  Scary.  Disastrous.

DUI (driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs) is a charge that can quickly cause major damage to our legal, professional, personal and social lives.  DUI is considered a “gross misdemeanor,” punishable by a maximum of a $5,000 fine or 365 days in jail, but also a minimum mandatory sentence of 24 hours in jail or 15 days of electronic home monitoring for a person’s 1st DUI.   Not only that, but your license will be suspended making it difficult to get to work, to the gym, to bring your daughter or son to soccer practice, and you will be required to get a restricted license (Ignition Interlock License) and insurance in order to drive again.  

Also, if your blood alcohol level was 0.15 BAC or above or alternatively you refused the breath test, the mandatory minimum increases to 48 hours in jail or 30 days of EHM (electronic home monitoring) on the 1st offense.  Moreover, if your blood alcohol was 0.15 BAC or above or if you refused your breath test, your license could be revoked for 1 or 2 years.  The impact from a DUI can continue for years.

There is a DUI sentencing grid, below, for a brief explanation of how serious this could be.  The penalties get stiffer and more punitive if you have more than one DUI—if this is your second or third DUI, you are likely looking at a substantial amount of time in jail (months, not days).

Obviously, we want to limit the damage that could result from this very serious charge that can have horrendous effects on your life.  Gyasi has experience dealing with many different types of DUIs.  There is always more to the story, and Gyasi knows that good people make mistakes and will help to rectify your mistake so that you can move on with your life.    

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